Michigan Translators/Interpreters Network


Looking for a Language Professional?

MiTiN’s directory includes freelancers and companies offering language services. Customize your search by using any of the options listed here to find the language service provider who best fits your needs and contact them directly.

Work Area

Languages Requested


Native Language

Translation Services

Interpreting Services


Last Name

Company Name


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eg., keyword1,keyword2

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Disclaimer: The information in these listings is provided by each individual MiTiN member. MiTiN is not liable for any errors in accuracy or veracity of the information provided, although every effort has been made to verify any certification claims. MiTiN is not responsible for any damages caused by information provided by its members. Potential clients should ask for credentials and references from the persons whom they contact.

Email: info@mitin.org

Phone: (248) 344-0909

Mailing address: P.O. Box 852, Novi, MI 48376

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